2022 November Wine 6-Pack Special
November 6-Pack Special 2022
$75/six pack

A selection of 6 great wines for November and Thanksgiving. I wanted to put together some wines that would be great for November and something to try for Thanksgiving. Wines are from Puglia, Sicily, Piedmont, and Campania.
4 Reds and 2 Whites.
Salice Salentino, Masseria Parrione (Puglia)
Chardonnay, Conti Zecca (Campania)
Nero d’ Avola, Castelluccimiano (Sicily)
Gavi , La Bollina (Piedmont)
Barbera d’ Asti, Chiarlo (Piedmont))
Pinot Noir, Castellani (Sicily)
Offer Available while supplies last.
Price does not include any applicable tax